Who is Woody Allen?

Posted January 25, 2010 by mojde
Categories: Films by Woody Allen


I have always watched Woody’s movies and always enjoyed them. Now I’ve got the chance to take this course, which focuses on Woody Allen’s works and his life and his inspirations, etc. Although I’m majoring in film and cinema, I never really studied him deeply. I just knew he has a different and unique voice that makes him an auteur. Some people love him and some don’t like him at all, some people like some of his films and not the others, and some just don’t understand him. But I don’t think it does matter what people’s opinions are, he is worth to study about and his films such as, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Hannah and Her Sisters,  just to name a few, and even his new films, which are a bit different than the older ones, but still a typical Woody Allen’s film, like Vicky Christina Barcelona, or Casandra’s Dream are all worth to watch.

Of course my favorite film, The Purple Rose of Cairo, which Woody portrays the reality of fantasy of the mind to dream about the perfect love.

So, we’ll see who he really is as we move on and study him psychoanalytically, artistically, politically, as a person, as an author, as a comedian and in any other aspects required to get to know him and his work better and appreciate him more.

I’m expecting to learn a great deal about him and discover his world.

Hello world!

Posted January 25, 2010 by mojde
Categories: Uncategorized

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